Sunday, May 9, 2010

Installing the bees!

I received two packages of bees,enclosed in the two boxes below. One queen is included in each package in a very small box. Several bees are enclosed with her to care for her. Queens basically do nothing except lay eggs, up to 2500 per day. Each package contains about 7000 bees and a supply of food ( sugar water)

Before installing the bees in the hives, I spray them with sugar water ( 50% sugar and 50% water.) The sugar water occupies them as I remove them from the boxes. They drink it as it is similar in taste to nectar. It also wets their wings,preventing them from flying away. I wore no protective clothing nor did I use a smoker. Honey bees generally don't sting you unless they perceive you as threatening their home (hive),queen or larvae. At this stage of their life they have not established a home, adjusted to their new queen nor produced larvae.
The queen will remain in their cages in the hives for several days so the bees can adjust to her. If not, they may kill her.
I then dump them into the hive.
Bees are now in the hive.
They are beginning to adjust to their new home after their 15 hour journey from GEORGIA where they were born.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dad! Love it. Look forward to hearing all about your bees.
